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Letter of Health and Safety

Dear Country Bob Family,

We at Country Bob’s maintain that nothing is more important than the health and safety of our community. We feel a responsibility to our customers, our staff and our families. We are constantly working to stay aware of the latest recommendations of state and national authorities regarding the ever-changing situation with the coronavirus known as COVID-19.


We are continually making decisions regarding public safety in accordance with the latest information received along with the core values we hold on to. We are taking all appropriate precautions regarding our production of the sauces and seasonings that you love, and we are doing all that we can to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved in both manufacturing and those using our incredible products.


We realize these are trying times for all of us and so we need to hold on to our Faith and use this difficult time to look to the needs of others. Americans are never better as a society than when we come together with a common goal. We are praying for you, our leaders, our nation and the world.


Be Blessed!


The Country Bob Team

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